Document Type : Review Article


For accessing to higher speed and more densities in packaging, FET structures have become small increasing from day to day. Devices as small as 18nm can still exhibit acceptable transistor characteristics but At such small sizes, the nature of carrier transport in the device begins to change. In such MOSFETs that  the device size becomes smaller than the carrier scattering length, it is statistically very probable for carriers to traverse the channel from the source to drain electrodes without encountering a scattering event. Such transport is called ballistic transport technically. In this article, we have conducted a survey on the electron transport in nanotransistor and using the semi-classical approach based on Boltzmann Equations for ballistic regimes, the electrical currents for a two dimensional structure as well as a quantum wire  have  been calculated that this calculations are based on model that is indicated by A. Rahman, J. Guo, S. Datta.  
