Document Type : Review Article
1 Islamic Azad University, Majlesi Branch
2 Isfahan Telecommunication Company, Isfahan
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan
In this paper, we propose a multiple description video coding system for robust transmission of video signal. We split the video frames into odd and even frames, and encode each frame separately based on JPEG standard. We assume that each description is transmitted in through WCDMA physical layer that used in UMTS. The channel is simulated based on Gilbert/Elliot’s model. We compare the result in threes cases: Video is reconstructed using only one description; video is reconstructed using both descriptions and finally video is reconstructed based on both description, and we do error concealment as well. The video quality is reported based on average peak signal to noise ratio for all cases for video sequences.多描述編碼的Motion JPEG視頻傳輸的UMTS摘要在本文中,我們提出了視頻信號的傳輸強勁的多描述視頻編碼系統。我們分割視頻幀分成奇數和偶數幀,並編碼分別基於JPEG標準每幀。我們假設每個描述是通過在UMTS WCDMA使用的物理層傳輸英寸該頻道是基於吉爾伯特/埃利奧特的模型來模擬。我們比較三五成群的情況下,結果:視頻僅使用一個描述重建;視頻使用重建都說明,最後顯卡基於兩個描述重建,而我們做的錯誤隱藏為好。視頻質量是基於平均峰值信號為所有的情況下對視頻序列信噪比報告。