Document Type : Review Article


- Department of Electrical Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran


This paper presents determination of optimum size and location of distributed generators (DGs) for reliability improvement of distribution systems in the presence of time varying loads using Genetic Algorithm (GA). The main innovation of this paper is considering of annual load duration curve for determination of size and location of DGs for reliability improvement. For this purpose a load duration curve including four load levels with different weighting factor is considered. For reliability assessment, the customer-oriented reliability indices such as SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASUI and also load- and energy-oriented indices such as ENS are evaluated. In this paper, the effects of system reconfiguration and load shedding are also considered for reliability improvement. The best size and location of DGs in distribution systems is determined based on different reliability indices, separately. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is examined on a standard distribution systems consisting of 33 nodes and comparative studies are conducted in the different cases to investigate the impacts of optimal DGs placement and its size determination on reliability improvement. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the proposed method for reliability improvement.  


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