Document Type : Review Article


1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Babol University Technology, Babol, & Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran

2 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran


The completely Electric Power System encompass three parts: Generation, Transmission, and Distribution that all require maintenance to better system reliability and energy efficiency. Most generation maintenance scheduling (GMS) packages consider preventive maintenance scheduling for generating units over one or two year's time horizon  to lessen the total operation costs while fulfilling system energy requirements. In advanced power systems, The inclusion of network limitations, reserve index, forced outage rates of the units and demand for electricity have highly increased with related expansions in system size, which have led to higher number of generators and lower reserve margins making the generator maintenance scheduling problem more complex.預防性維護生成與調度網絡約束,旋轉備用,並強迫停運率摘要完全電力系統包括三個部分:發電,輸電,配電,所有需要維護,以更好地系統的可靠性和能源效率。最新一代維護計劃(GMS)封裝考慮預防性維修調度發電機組在一年或兩年的時間跨度,以減少總運營成本的同時實現系統能量要求。在先進的動力系統,網絡限制,儲備指數列入,有關單位和電力需求的強迫停運率高度與系統的大小相關的擴展,這些都導致了較高的數字發生器和下調準備金利潤率使得發電機維修增加調度問題更加複雜。


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