Document Type : Review Article


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


With respect to the increasing growth in the subscribers of wireless cellular networks and the necessity of providing network services with reasonable quality in any location, the importance of enhancement in the wireless network services is deeply felt. This means that network users expect to receive voice, data, and multimedia services with reasonable QoS, regardless of their locations and mobility patterns. Therefore, failures which may occur in mobile wireless network and may inhibit communication or result in loss of critical data will be not tolerated. Hence, providing wireless networks services in the presence of network failures has a great importance and can cause the networks to avoid from reducing their subscribers. In this paper, two main schemes are proposed, in order to reduce bad effects which can be generated in the case of network failures. These schemes try to reduce dropping probabilities and cause mobile hosts in the failed cell to continue their calls with high probability in the case of failure. One of the proposed schemes uses ad hoc relaying and the other uses bandwidth degradation, in order to improve network performance in the case of failure. Simulation results show that these two schemes have great impacts in improving network performance in the case of failure.


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