Document Type : Review Article


1 Departement of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Bechar, Algeria.

2 Department of Computers and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Laboratory of Electrical network, E.N.S.E.T, B.P 1742 El M'naouar, Oran, Algeria


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a very powerful tool for exploitation as a  rich  source  of Proton  Exchange  Membrane  Fuel  Cell  (PEMFC)  diagnostic  information.A primary goal of this work was to develop a suitable PEMFC impedance model, which can be used in the analysis for flooding and drying of fuel cell. For this one a novel optimization method based on factorial Design methodology is used. It was applied for parametric analysis of electrochemical impedance Thus it is possible to evaluate the relative importance of each parameter to the simulation accuracy. Furthermore this work presents an analysis of the PEMFC impedance behavior in the case of flooding and drying.


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