Document Type : Review Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Science and Technology University of Iran, Tehran, Iran


ABSTRACT:In present study ,we intend to investigate the evolution of supercontinuum generation (SCG) through triangular photonic crystal fiber (PCF) at 1310nm by using both full-vector multipole method (M.P.M) and novel concrete algorithms: symmetric  split-step fourier (SSF) and  fourth order runge kutta (RK4) which is an accurate method to solve the general  nonlinear schrodinger equation (GNLSE). We propose an ideal  solid-core PCF structure featuring a minimum anomalous  group velocity dispersion (GVD), small higher order dispersions (HODs) and enhanced nonlinearity for appropriate  supercontinuum generation with low  input  pulse energies over discrete distances of the PCF. We also investigate the impact of linear and nonlinear effects on supercontinuum spectra in detail and compare the results with different status .在1310的高非線性光子晶體光纖的最小反常群速度色散產生超摘要摘要:在本研究中,我們打算同時使用全矢量多極法(MPM)和新穎的具體算法,調查產生超(SCG)通過在1310三角形光子晶體光纖(PCF)的演變:對稱分步傅里葉(SSF)和第四階龍格庫塔(RK4),這是解決一般非線性薛定諤方程(GNLSE)一種精確的方法。我們提出一個理想的實芯PCF結構設有最低反常群速度色散(GVD),小高階分散體(部門首長)和增強的非線性適當的超連續超過了PCF的離散距離,低輸入的脈衝能量。我們還研究的線性和非線性效應的超連續光譜詳細的影響,並與不同的狀態的比較結果。


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