Document Type : Review Article
In Iran because of the existence of Competitive market for power production, the existence of competitors in the national and international market and the policies of ministry of Power production in producing the market for producing power with the least cost, it is urgent to determine exactly the cost of power production. The first step in this regard would be to compute the cost of power production within the power station, thus it would be necessary to determine the cost of different ways in which power is produced. This would provide managers with the tools for controlling and supervising power costs and plans.In this paper, the cost of power production in the combined cycle power plant for the case Shahid Kaveh power plant of Ghaenat city will be examined. Then the cost of power production in a CHP power plant for the case of CHP power plant in Gonabad belonging to Sanat Yaran Energy Fadak Ghadr has been studied. Eventually, comparing power production costs in combined Cycle Power Plant with CHP power plant, it has been concluded that a CHP power plant is superior to a combined Cycle Power Plant in efficiency, power tolls, power quality and etc.