Document Type : Review Article


Razi university, Kermansha, Iran


The purpose of this paper is to design an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller to control the speed of the BLDC motor. This paper throws overall view of the performance of fuzzy PID controller and compares with fuzzy - adaptive neural controller. Take characteristics of suitable in PID controller is difficult. But fuzzy is the ability to take appropriate control parameters and calculations easier. An adaptive neuro fuzzy control system has the advantages of both types of fuzzy control system and neuro system. Paper examines the BLDC motor speed control based on adaptive neuro - fuzzy First tried to have a simulated fuzzy PID controller And then designing controller adaptive neuro - fuzzy using ANFIS toolbox for the motor. And we compare the characteristics of speed, torque, current and voltage in the three controllers finally, we conclude that the characteristic of the controller adaptive neuro - fuzzy (ANFIS) is better than the other two controllers.


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