Document Type : Review Article


islamic Azad University of Najafaabad


With the increasing exchange of information around the world and the use of telecommunication networks such as the Internet, the validity of digital documents have become very important because it may be distroyed or attacked intentionally or unintentionally. Muslims consider Quran as the most important book and so much effort has been made to protect the accuracy of this holy book. One of the proper methods to preserve Quran pages against distortion is using image watermarking in spatial domain. In digital watermarked images of Quran, the image information is used to detect and reconstruct distortions. The purpose of the presented method in this paper is to produce a robust image of the Holy Quran against cutting, destroction, and distortion using two-dimensional codes and (XOR) function. The watermarking algorithm in this method is able to recover distortions in addition to detecting them.


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