Document Type : Review Article


Department of Electrical Engineering, MNNIT Allaabad, Uteer Pradesh, India


The Electric transit buses (ETBs) are the main source for public transit to get the cleaner environment. The ETBs have gained popularity around the globe since the last decade. The ETBs are 14 % of the total transit buses around the world.  The ETBs are heavy EVs and need more power to charge the high capacity batteries. The batteries used in these buses have the energy capacities between 80 kWh to 550 kWh. Such high capacity batteries take more to get charged. In order to increase the adoption of ETBs, a suitable number of high power dc charging infrastructures need to be installed in various main cities of the nations. The ETBs can operate with battery alone or fuel cell or combination of these two. Such ETBs are named as battery electric transit bus (BETB), fuel cell electric transit bus (FCETB) and hybrid electric transit bus (HETBs). As of 2020, out of total ETBs around the globe, 70 % are HETBs, 20 % are FCETBs and 10 % are BETBs. In this paper, the key parameters and comparison among these three batteries are shown. The major EV market holders are China, US, Europe and japan. The charging protocol used in the US and Europe is combined charging system. The charger capacity has reached up to 500 kW as of 2020. With such high power chargers it takes only less than half an hour to charge the high power batteries.


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