Document Type : Review Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Salahaddin University , Erbil, Iraq

2 Department of Electrical Engineering Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq


Photovoltaic (PV) panel produces electricity depending on a variety of characteristics, including the PV module model, design specifications, and ambient circumstances such as temperature and sun irradiation. To analyze and model the effect of these factors on PV performance, a PV model is significant to be studied and modeled in advance. It is desirable to be compatible with the real-physical behavior of the PV panel. This paper presents mathematical modeling, design, and simulation of the three-diode model (3DM) MPPT controller instead of using conventional single/double diode PV models. The proposed PV model is analyzed, verified, and simulated at various temperature and irradiance levels. Furthermore, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as a multi-objective algorithm is used for the Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT controller to enhance the performance of the module and PV array system. A DC/DC boost converter is combined with the proposed 3DM model and connected through a resistive load. Results show that adopting PSO-based MPPT improves the performance of the PV panel compared to the traditional MPPT and verified the theoretical background.


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