Document Type : Reseach Article



This study presents a four-element compact Multi-Input Multi-Output antenna with enhanced isolation for applications with three bands. The four-port antenna elements have hook-shape multiband monopole elements with 50 ⦠microstrip feed lines and are placed such that they are perpendicular to one another to enhance the act of the MIMO system. Simulation and measurement consequences demonstrate that the antenna operates at a consistent gain and radiation patterns at the major frequency bands of 2.11-2.47 GHz, 3.14-3.54 GHz, and 5.15-5.85 GHz with S11<-10 dB. To verify the claimed MIMO antenna performance, data in the format of radiation patterns, peak gain (4.9,5.2,5.8 dB), diversity gain (DG) (9.95,9.92,9.92 dB), envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) (0.005,0.003,0.002), TRAC, channel capacity and MEG ratio are retrieved. These specifications of the suggested antenna make it a suitable candidate for WiMAX, Bluetooth, and WLAN uses. Additionally, the suggested antenna outperformed current work by providing a superior balance of size, bandwidth, and several performance characteristics.


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