Document Type : Reseach Article
Distribution systems pose a significant challenge within the power grid, primarily due to their high current, low voltage, and comparatively high ohmic resistance compared to transmission and sub-transmission systems.This results in substantial power losses, necessitating the need for effective mitigation strategies.To address this issue, a wide range of methods and algorithms have been proposed and continuously developed. Over the past half-century, reconfiguring the distribution network has emerged as a cost-effective and straightforward approach to reducing distribution losses. Distribution system reconfiguration has been extensively studied, with each study aiming to achieve distinct objectives. Additionally, numerous studies have explored the dynamics of distribution system reconfiguration, evaluating and comparing various approaches. This study comprehensively assesses both static and dynamic methods of reconfiguring distribution systems and introduces a novel dynamic reconfiguration technique. Unlike traditional methods that rely on real-time or hourly load models, this approach utilizes a load model to address the dynamic reconfiguration problem. Simulations were conducted on the well-established IEEE 33-bus test system, employing MATLAB software in conjunction with a genetic algorithm to minimize losses and optimize voltage profiles. Based on the simulation results, this novel dynamic reconfiguration method demonstrated superior performance compared to previously employed methods. It effectively reduced power losses and enhanced the voltage profile, demonstrating its potential for improving the overall efficiency of distribution systems.
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