Document Type : Reseach Article



This research paper introduces a modified single DC-sourced multilevel inverter (MLI) consisting of several cells made from a controlled switch, a diode, and a capacitor to generate voltage levels in series connection with the H-bridge. By increasing the number of cells more output voltage levels can be generated in proposition to 2n+3 for symmetrical multilevel inverter (S-MLI) and maximum 2(N+1) +1 for asymmetrical multilevel inverter (A-MLI), where N is the number of connected cells. In this article, the proposed inverter utilizes seven control switches, three power diodes, a DC voltage source, and three floating capacitors to generate nine-level (S-MLI), fifteen-level, and seventeen-level (A MLI) output. By employing a modified single DC source configuration, we achieve a substantial reduction in the number of isolated DC sources and switches required for operation. The reduction in control switches minimizes the requirement of gate driver and protection circuit. This enhancement not only simplifies the circuitry but also enhances the inverter's cost-effectiveness and efficiency. A comparison of proposed and other recently developed single-sourced topologies has been done to show the benefits of the proposed topology. The performance of the proposed modified inverter topology is analyzed through MATLAB/Simulink and validated by a laboratory prototype. Through extensive simulation and analysis, we demonstrate the improved performance, reduced component count, and complexity of the proposed MLI design. 


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