Document Type : Reseach Article
With the digital world booming, so too has the importance of information security. Ensuring safe transmission of data has become paramount, requiring robust mechanisms to navigate potential vulnerabilities. In this context, encryption and watermarking technologies emerge as key players. This article proposes a groundbreaking method that seamlessly integrates a lightweight encryption scheme with a dedicated watermarking approach for color images. Our proposed technique boasts two key advantages: efficient encryption and successful watermark concealment. The chosen encryption method is computationally light, meaning it requires minimal processing power, yet still effectively shields the embedded watermark. This watermarking process involves a clever two-step transformation. First, the color image is converted into a different color space using the Triangle Vertex Transform (TVT). This lays the groundwork for the second step, where the watermark itself is embedded. For this, we leverage a clever combination of the 2-level Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). To gauge the effectiveness of this innovative approach, we put it to the test using popular color images and evaluated it through various metrics. These include standard measures like histogram analysis, correlation, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). These metrics help us understand the success of both the encryption and watermarking aspects. The results speak for themselves: our proposed method achieves an impressive PSNR of 54.4798 dB and a near-perfect SSIM score of 1. This translates to a watermarked image with exceptional quality, practically indistinguishable from the original. Ultimately, this research presents a novel technique that shines in both robustness and imperceptibility, outperforming many existing state-of-the-art methods. This paves the way for safeguarding information with greater efficiency and accuracy, enhancing the reliability of our digital interactions in an increasingly interconnected world.
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