Document Type : Reseach Article
This paper aims to investigate the performance of a bidirectional DC-DC converter utilizing an ANFIS-PID controller in closed-loop mode. This is because operating a bidirectional DC-DC converter in open-loop mode can result in several problems, including poor regulation, limited flexibility, and limited performance, especially in transient response and efficiency. Additionally, there is a risk of overloading the converter or damaging connected devices due to uncontrolled
operation. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to address the critical requirement for enhanced response and load efficiency within the context of a three-phase interleaved bidirectional DC-DC converter designed for Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) applications with 1 kW rated power of converter and 10 kHz switching frequency which exhibits 14.29% reduce overshoot in the system. This research aims to utilize the capabilities of an ANFIS-PID controller to optimize the
dynamic responsiveness and load efficiency of the converter. The findings of the study reveal that the implementation of an ANFIS-PID controller leads to improved transient response and load efficiency, highlighting its potential to enhance bidirectional DC-DC converters. To design and simulate the behavior of the converter, MATLAB/Simulink software has been employed.
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