Document Type : Reseach Article
For transformer-less operation, a wind energy generating system (WEGS) with an 8.5 kW wind turbine and a 6.6 kW Z-source inverter (ZSI) is modelled. A closed-loop control technique is employed at the load side of the WEGS to obtain a constant voltage with a fluctuating load at the output side of the system. The ZSI is used with a proportional-integral (PI) controller for closed-loop control since it is the least complicated controller to operate and tune. As an effect of
ZSI’s nonlinear nature, PI controllers cannot be used directly with this system. The primary focus of this study is the optimization of stabilized PI coefficients (Kp, Ki). PI tuning for closed-loop ZSI is taken care of with the use of particle swarm optimization (PSO), the sine-cosine algorithm (SCA), and the opposition-based sine-cosine algorithm (OB-SCA). The OB-SCA provides superior closed-loop ZSI stability when used with WEGS. MATLAB is used for both the design and
simulation of the system. The results demonstrate that the proposed controller can precisely regulate the AC output voltage of ZSI with WEGS.
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