Document Type : Reseach Article



The current research introduces an enhanced buck converter. The introduced converter improves the performance of similar converters thanks to causing lower switch voltage stress, higher efficiency and fewer number of elements. To make use of low voltage MOSFETs with a smaller ON resistance, using multiple switching strategies would reduce the voltage stress across the switch and thus allow them to be used. This study compares the performance of the proposed converter
with the similar converters. The gate pulses are similar in the proposed converter, so the control is very simple. Input voltage is divided between the blocking capacitors at the input and as a result, the voltage stress on the switches is lower than the input voltage. So, the converter can be designed with MOSFETs with low drain-source resistance. Also, the voltage gain is reduced in comparison with the conventional buck converter. Furthermore, output power is shared between two switches which results in better heat dissipation. Also, it is possible to implement the proposed converter
using a single magnetic element. Therefore, the total number of components in comparison with similar converters is reduced. The results show that the introduced converter technically performs with lower switching losses and increased overall efficiency discussion of operating modes, as well as converter design and test results shall be provided. Step-down DC to DC converter


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