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generation generates power for local loads as well as sharing it to the main grid. The system may get islanded after the occurrence of fault. It is necessary to detect islanding earlier. It is necessary to detect islanding and provide trip signal earlier. Also, the oscillations should be damped out as early as possible to prevent instability. Harmonics are injected due to the introduction of a disturbance signal hence; total harmonic distortion should be as minimum as possible. Here
adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system is used for the CEGRE LV system for the purpose of islanding detection and anti-islanding protection. An active oscillatory disturbance signal is injected in controller. Generally, proportional integral controller and fuzzy logic controller are used for anti-islanding protection. But an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system can be used for earlier detection of islanding and also it gives better performance than a proportionalintegral controller and fuzzy logic controller. System analysis is discussed by comparing Adaptive network-based fuzzy interference system performance with proportional gain controller and fuzzy logic controller by considering zero power mismatch condition. The simulation results of this proposed method is evaluated by using MATLAB Software.
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