Document Type : Reseach Article
The efficient and economical operation of a distribution power network (DPN) has been essential in recent times, considering the energy crisis and shortage of fossil fuels. A DPN is known to be efficient and economical if power losses are minimal, the voltage drop along the lines is less, and stability is maintained during different operating conditions. However, due to the crisis for primary fuel, all DPNs including radial power distribution networks (RPDN) are operated at threshold level. This has led to higher power losses, more voltage drops, and stability issues in RDPN. Hence, to reduce the power losses and voltage deviation and improve the stability of the power system network, distributed generation (DG) units are optimally allocated into radial DPN. In this study, an optimization technique using Jellyfish search optimizer (JSO) algorithm is proposed to optimize multiple DGs into RDPN to minimize a multi-objective function corresponds to real power loss (RPL) minimization, voltage stability (VS) enhancement, and total operating cost (TOC) minimization. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated for multiple type I and type III DGs placement on an IEEE standard 33-bus RDPN. Besides, the effectiveness of the proposed technique is investigated considering a nominal and peak power demand. The efficacy of the research outcome of the suggested JSO approach has been compared with the outcome of
other optimization algorithms presented in the literature. The comparison exemplifies that JSO gives more promising outcomes than other algorithms by delivering the least real power losses and better voltage profile enhancement at minimum operating cost.
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