Document Type : Review Article


Monash University


In this paper, we develop a non-visual automatic wrapper to extract data records from search engine results pages which contain important information for computer users. Our wrapper consists of a series of data filter to detect and remove irrelevant data from the web page. In the filtering stages, we incorporate two main algorithms which are able to check the similarity of data records and to detect and extract the correct data region based on their component sizes. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we carry out experimental and deletion tests. Experimental tests show that our wrapper outperforms the existing state of the art wrappers such as ViNT and DEPTA. Deletion studies by replacing our novel techniques with state of the art conventional techniques show that our wrapper design is efficient and could robustly extract data records from search engine results pages. With the speed advantages, our wrapper could be beneficial in processing large amount of web sites data, which could be helpful in meta search engine development.


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