Document Type : Review Article
1 Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch, Boroujerd, Iran
2 Department of Control Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Boroujerd Branch, Boroujerd, Iran.
3 Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch, Boroujerd, Iran.
In this paper, we use generalized incremental predictive control to stabilize attitude of satellite. We compare GPC with GIPC algorithm and present that GIPC has better performance. The three-axis attitude control systems are activated in pulse mode. Consequently, a modulation of the torque command is compelling in order to avoid high non-linear control action. This work considers the Pulse-Width Pulse-Frequency modulator is composed of a Schmitt trigger, a first order filter, and a feedback loop. PWPF modulator has several advantages over classical bang-bang controllers such as close to linear operation, high accuracy, and reduced propellant consumption. 与PWPF调制器卫星姿态控制中使用预测控制算法伊赫桑抽象在本文中,我们用广义增量预测控制,以稳定卫星姿态。我们比较GPC与GIPC算法,并提交GIPC具有更好的性能。三轴姿态控制系统在脉冲模式激活。因此,转矩指令的调制是为了避免高非线性控制动作引人注目。这个工作考虑了脉冲宽度脉冲频率调制器是由一个施密特触发器,一个一阶滤波器,以及一个反馈环路。 PWPF调制器拥有经典砰 - 砰控制器的优点很多,比如接近线性操作,精度高,并减少推进剂消耗。