Document Type : Review Article


Department of Electrical Engineering, Payame Noor University (PNU), IRAN


We have presented the investigation on the slab of photonic crystals that was made of a honeycomb lattice of silicon embedded in free space. For the simulation of this structure was used the two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. This arrangement was shown that with suitable choice of frequency can have negative refraction with an effect metamedium with . In this conditions, in TE polarization can be used total mirror and in TM polarization can be used superlens. In a certain frequency, this type of photonic crystal structure acts as left handed martial that they were named metamaterials. A wide range effects were studied by this structure. For be shown these unusual phenomena, we analyses the contour map and solid model of electric field and magnetic field for a photonic crystals structure.  This structure has negative refraction of light, subwavelength lensing effect, 100% reflector. These feathers there are in metamaterials that also in photonic crystals can be shown. We have presented the investigation on the slab of photonic crystals that was made of a honeycomb lattice of silicon embedded in free space. For the simulation of this structure was used the two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. This arrangement was shown that with suitable choice of frequency can have negative refraction with an effect metamedium with . In this conditions, in TE polarization can be used total mirror and in TM polarization can be used superlens. In a certain frequency, this type of photonic crystal structure acts as left handed martial that they were named metamaterials. A wide range effects were studied by this structure. For be shown these unusual phenomena, we analyses the contour map and solid model of electric field and magnetic field for a photonic crystals structure.  This structure has negative refraction of light, subwavelength lensing effect, 100% reflector. These feathers there are in metamaterials that also in photonic crystals can be shown.


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