Document Type : Review Article


Department of Communication Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


In this paper, the Electromagnetic Band-Gap (EBG) structures have been used to decrease the mutual coupling between two wideband quad-ridge horn antennas. The EBG structure is a small sheet with a length of 6 cm and a width of 10.6 cm, and it was placed vertically between the horn antennas, providing us with a very compact system. Full-wave CST simulations have been carried out to simulate the whole structure. A two-layer EBG structure has provided a 17 dB isolation over the 20-40 GHz frequency range. Moreover, to verify the proposed structure, EBG layers have been fabricated and measured. The S parameter and far-field measurements of the horn antennas were conducted to investigate the isolation and radiation patterns of the antennas. The measurement results were perfectly comparable with the simulations. Moreover, because of the standalone characteristic of the designed EBGs, this structure can be used as an add-on unit to decrease the E-plane mutual coupling of any two antennas.


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